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How to Spot an Ally?

How to Spot an Ally?
Psychology, Diplomacy, Strategy

Article Rating:::: 13 Ratings :::: 7 Solutions ::::Sunday, May 6, 2007
It is sometimes desired to have allies in Risk. Having an ally has many benefits. You will have one less enemy to deal with. In addition, your ally is likely to fight with your enemies reducing their power even further. You may also get him to help you on strategies and initiate a campaign together as part of a global plan.

All in all this sounds great. However, as always there is a catch. The most fundamental problem is that there can only be one winner. As a result, you and your ally will inevitably need to face each other at some point in the game. Therefore, alliances are short term solutions. An alliance is there to benefit the two parties for a while and when the circumstances have changed, the alliance is terminated, expired or broken.
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How to Know if Someone is Bluffing?

How to Know if Someone is Bluffing?
Psychology, Diplomacy

Article Rating:::: 6 Ratings :::: 1 Solutions ::::Thursday, May 3, 2007
There are many times that you may be confronted with a situation that you like to instantly discover if someone is trying to deceive you. Is there a way to know for certain? Well, it turns out that there is indeed a technique you can use to know if someone is bluffing.
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Divide and Conquer

Divide and Conquer
Diplomacy, Strategy

Article Rating:::: 7 Ratings :::: 1 Solutions ::::Friday, April 27, 2007
Divide and Conquer is perhaps one of the most famous strategies to gain power. On the outset everyone seems to understand it. Numerous examples in history show that this strategy is indeed effective.

Robert Greene described this strategy beautifully: 

"Never be intimidated by enemy's appearance. Instead, look at the parts that make up the whole. By separating the parts sowing dissension and division, you can bring down even the most formidable foe. When you have troubles or enemies, turn a large problem into small eminently defeatable parts." 

This strategy can be applied to many different situations.
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What do Risk Players do When They Win?

What do Risk Players do When They Win?
Risk Fans

Article Rating:::: 4 Ratings :::: 3 Solutions ::::Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Ever wondered what a winning Risk player does irrespective of culture or nationality. The joy of winning is great. Players simply want to tell the whole world how wonderful they are. Amazingly enough technology has made that, literally, possible.

Over the years that I have played Risk, one undisputable addiction was to get to the moment of winning. The feeling was simply great. In games that I had to compete with 5 other players, coming as a winner certainly made me feel more special (whether I was or not is a different matter altogether).

I could see the envy in their eyes, but since they were beaten in a fair game, I could feel a sense of respect. If I managed to win against a number of players repeatedly, then respect simply went up and up. Of course, there always came a time when I had to give up the throne and quit while I was ahead.

When a player won Risk, the feeling of joy and the subsequent chat for the next couple of weeks (with teasing to the nth degree) was simply fantastic.
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How to Get People to Like You?

How to Get People to Like You?
Psychology, Diplomacy

Article Rating:::: 8 Ratings :::: 0 Solutions ::::Saturday, April 21, 2007
Ever wondered how can you get people to like you. If they like you, the chances are that they will be on your side. There are a number of techniques you can use such as being with positive people, not trying to be too perfect, getting them to do favours and so on. Here, I will explore these and provide a number of examples in the context of Risk.

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Welcome to Total Diplomacy

Welcome to Total Diplomacy

Article Rating:::: 1 Ratings :::: 0 Solutions ::::Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Dear All

I have two major announcements.
  1. As you may have noticed, the site has been completely reworked. The old site was Risk, Strategies Explained ... ( There is only a single point of registration and from there you can interact anywhere on the site. The forums are now integrated into this site. You can participate in forums, provide solutions for scenarios and comment on articles. May I ask everyone to register again as the old forum registration is unfortunately no longer available. However, the forum posts are imported to this new site and you should be able to resume reading and posting as normal.
  2. The second announcement is that I have published a book on Risk game strategies and have discussed the use of real-life skills in Risk and vice versa. The book is called, Total Diplomacy, The Art of Winning Risk. It attempts to cover a wide range of topics from deception, to Machiavellian tactics and online Risk strategies used in computer games. I hope that you will find the book useful.
This site is already the best place for finding, discussing and examining cunning strategies for Risk. The idea is to grow the site even further to cover all aspects of playing Risk and practising diplomacy. You will find a considerable amount of strategic tips discussed in the forums. My intention is to make it easy for you to interact with other fellow fans on your favourite topics. Equally, the captured information should be provided to you in a concise and easy way so that you don't have to spend a lot of time on the net to find an answer to a little question (or even a big question). Hopefully, the new site would help us doing just that.

Diplomacy, after all, is something everyone must attempt to master and the best way to do it is by interaction. If you want to learn something, just go ahead and do it. Nothing else will beat that. Playing Risk is a good excuse to learn and practice diplomatic skills.

Watch this space, there is a lot more to come ....

Ehsan Honary
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About the Author

I am a board game and Risk game enthusiast. I like thinking and talking about strategy in games which has led me to the creation of this website. Although Risk is a classic, I feel one can never get tired of playing this game. Read about what I think of the game and I am always eager to know what you think.

My Book: Risk Game Strategy

Total Diplomacy: The Art of Winning Risk

Available from Amazon as paperback and Kindle

Available in Apple Books

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My father said: "You must never try to make all the money that's in a deal. Let the other fellow make some money too, because if you have a reputation for always making all the money, you won't have many deals."

Jean Paul Getty