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Top 5: Where to Play Risk Game Online

Top 5: Where to Play Risk Game Online
Online Risk Games, Beginners

Article Rating:::: 18 Ratings :::: Tuesday, May 22, 2007

You might have been introduced to Risk board game and played a few times with your friends. You liked it so much that you decided to look further for more information on how to play, where to play and how to improve your game. This article attempts to give you a head start on the Top 5 online Risk games, the Top 5 Risk board game variants and the Top 5 books to read to improve your game.

Risk online games

Top 5 Online Risk Games
Online Risk games can be divided into two main categories:
  • Standalone applications. These games are played by launching an application on your computer. They are usually quite customisable. Some of them have plug-ins, AI extensions and extra maps. The graphical user interface is usually very rich and intuitive to use.
  • Browser-based. These games are played inside Internet browsers. A static image of a Risk board game is shown to you and you select your moves by using combo boxes and buttons. You can use chat boxes to communicate with other players and see some statistics.
Most Risk games offer a variety of extended rules and variations. Certain variations are preferred by different users, so you need to look at each to see which style suits your gameplay better.
  • Grand Strategy. This is a browser-based Risk game. It has a nice looking user interface which is easy to learn. You may go to the lobby and pick a game to join. When you initially register, you can play games that have 18 or 24 hours turn times. Later, you can also play games with 15 minute turn times. Full review.
  • Lux Delux. This is a stand alone Risk game based on Java. It is basically Risk on steroids. Turn times can be as small as 30 seconds which gives a very high pace to the game. It can be quite addictive. You may also use a chat box in real time to perform diplomacy or simply chat (or swear) to other players (I highly recommend not to use the swear feature if you want to win). The 2D visuals are very rich and sound effects make it even more entertaining. You can practice against AI players as well. It offers a SDK for those who like to develop better AI players. Everyone can then compete against them. Full review.
  • Conquer Club. This is a browser-based Risk game similar to Grand Strategy. Again the turn times can be as large as 24 hours. A variety of maps are also available. You can track your moves using RSS and your favorite Feed Reader. This is quite effective in reminding you about your turn and it makes it very addictive to check everyday for your next move. Full review.
  • Conquest. This is a standalone Risk game that also has a PocketPC variant. Extra maps are also available. You can customise the AI players to become more aggressive if you like a challenge. In this game, single player is more emphasised than network play. Full review.
  • Risk II. This is the standard version of Risk from Hasbro. It offers a rich user interface complete with battles, sound effects and a globe. It also has some network capability, though there is no concept of a lobby. Full review.

Top 5 Risk Board Games

The following are the Risk board game and a number of variations that are based on it.
  • Risk The game of world conquest is an incredibly addictive game. Your goal is to conquer the world and you should not be satisfied with anything less. To get there you need to compete with up to 5 players. This is an elimination game, so the winner always feels much more special than others by being the last person standing.
  • Risk 2210 A.D. This is an extension of classic Risk board game that takes place in the future. In addition to the classic map, you now have underwater territories, a moon to conquer, commanders and special cards. The game provides new tactical game play. Since commanders have extra powers, they can be used in more imaginative ways which leads to more complex tactics and strategies. You can use your own rules to remove those features that you are not interested in.
  • RISK - The Lord of the Rings Edition A variation of the classic Risk set in the world of Middle- Earth. The map is redesigned and balanced to make sure the game will play well. It provides special adventure cards such as Mission Cards, Event Cards and Power Cards that enhance game play and provide bonuses.
  • Risk Star Wars Original Trilogy Edition This is a variation of the classic board game set in the world of Star wars. You have multiple paths to victory and use a variety of special units with different powers.

Top 5 Books for Risk Game Strategy

Risk can be a demanding game. Winning against 5 other players is not necessarily an easy task specially if you want to repeat your success over time. You need to know as much as you can to have an edge over others. The following books provide time tested material on strategy and the art of decision making that generals, leaders, heads of states and philosophers have been thinking about over hundreds of years.
  • The Art of War, by Sun Tzu. This is one of the oldest books and an all-time favorite work on military strategy written by the famous Chinese thinker Sun Tzu around 500BC. During its history, many commanders and thinkers have commented on the work which has made it even more famous. The Art of War is a clear demonstration of timelessness of certain concepts such as diplomacy. These days, lessons learnt from The Art of War are used in business, competitions and of course games in addition to the military domain. The book is divided into 13 chapters, each covering a different aspect of warfare. This is a highly recommended book for anyone who is interested in strategy used in any domain. In particular, Risk players will greatly benefit from this.
  • Total Diplomacy: The Art of Winning RISK, by Ehsan Honary. This book, as presented in this web site, attempts to cover everything you need to know about playing Risk. It also contains a compilation of the most important strategical concepts such as those found in The Art of War and other famous books such as The Prince. More details.
  • The Prince, by Niccolo Machiavelli.  This book will tell you what it means to be Machiavellian. By knowing what it is, you will have a much better chance to counter it if someone wants to use these skills against you. As a Risk player, you will know what it hit you when you lost the previous game and what can you do to avoid it.
  • The 48 Laws of Power, by Robert Greene. This book provides a modern version of The Prince. It provides the political concepts using 48 distinct laws. Each law is supported by many historical examples and remarks from great thinkers of the past. This book is highly recommended for anyone who wants to understand the dynamics of power. This is specially applicable to Risk players. 
  • Negotiation: The Art of Getting What You Want, by Michael Schatzki Negotiation is an incredibly important skill that everyone needs to know and master. A Risk player needs to know how to negotiate effectively with others to get what he wants. This book provides many examples in everyday life, such as when you want to buy a car or a house. It walks you through effective negotiation conversations and strategies. 
The above resources should keep you busy for a while! The nice thing about playing Risk is that it is not just a simple game for entertainment. You can actually learn something new along the way that is directly applicable to daily challenges you are confronted with. Just expand your knowledge and experiment with new ideas while playing Risk until you can master the skill. After all, the best way to learn is by doing it. 

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Diplomat   By Diplomat @ Saturday, June 2, 2007 2:46 PM
Another good book which can be useful when playing risk is ‘Influence’ by Professor Cialdini. Even though the book was written some 35 years ago, it is still very relevant to modern day situations. Cialdini explains how we make automated decisions and therefore are easily manipulated by others. It has great examples and it is an easy read.

Europa   By Europa @ Monday, July 2, 2007 1:03 AM
Risk II Online is great. I used to love going in and playing it. The interface allows for chatting during the game and there fore many diplomatic options are available during the game with human players. The only bummer is you can't chat with any AI players.

Destroyer   By Destroyer @ Monday, November 3, 2008 4:48 PM
There is another on-line site worth taking a look at It has over 22,000 members already and is growing fast. It has lots of options for game play and allows you to create your own maps.

Risk Strategy Master   By Risk Strategy Master @ Thursday, March 31, 2011 10:41 PM
Love your book, so much so that I promote it here: risk strategy.

Have a sequel in mind?

Risk Strategy Master   By Risk Strategy Master @ Thursday, March 31, 2011 10:46 PM
P.S. Read books 1,2 and 4. The 48 Laws of Power is one of my all time favorite reads! I love the layout with the little red sections of extras.

Not to be taken lightly as a choice in good book, I've read thousands!

Ehsan Honary   By Ehsan Honary @ Friday, April 1, 2011 6:42 AM
Thanks Risk Strategy Master. Kind words in your review. Happy to be of any help. Sequel is always a possibility... :-)

Risk Strategy Master   By Risk Strategy Master @ Friday, April 1, 2011 6:46 PM
You're Welcome Ehsan, Hope I can throw a few sales your way from all those people who are like I was and long to learn Risk strategy so they can punish their enemies at the Risk board. lol

TrueAngel   By TrueAngel @ Friday, September 23, 2011 7:11 AM

You can play Risk 2 Online here at e-WarZone! A lots of players still playing it, also a lot that played the game in the past at MSN Gaming ZOne. The Warzone recently chnaged ownership and a lot of improvements are being announced and allready with the new website a lot of new players coming in!

Maybe you would like to have look and come play:

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Rate = 3.22 out of 5 :::: 18 Ratings.
About the Author

I am a board game and Risk game enthusiast. I like thinking and talking about strategy in games which has led me to the creation of this website. Although Risk is a classic, I feel one can never get tired of playing this game. Read about what I think of the game and I am always eager to know what you think.

My Book: Risk Game Strategy

Total Diplomacy: The Art of Winning Risk

Available from Amazon as paperback and Kindle

Available in Apple Books

Learn More About the Book

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