Subject: new scenario
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Imported PostUser is Offline


16 Mar 2007 12:02 PM  

 Hi, I'm new here, but I've been playing this game for a while.

So here's an interesting scenario. The game is being played with no cards and for the last 20 turns or so nobody has been attacking.

Any tips?


cyray7User is Offline


03 Jun 2007 6:01 PM  
are you looking for overall tips? which color are you?
EuropaUser is Offline


21 Nov 2007 5:50 PM  
This looks interesting. I've never played a game that has degenerated into a stalemate for so long that how the stakes are so high that failure will be catastrophic. Not having cards makes this even worse since there is not really a fall back position. At some point someone just needs to take the plunge and attack.

I may try to do some pinpricks, and see what comes out of it, a fwe skirmishes and proxy wars here and there. But there are some points that seems viable for exploitation. I think the key here is to put pressure on one spot that will cause the others to react. You see, at this point the game is pretty well balanced that anyone else's move will cause the domino effect to drastically alter the balance of power. Ultimately, you need to decide (whoever you are) where you want to first. By moving your forces, you invite another opponent to attack where you left. Allow that to happen knowing that will cause them to be weak where they are as well. Players will move to where the weak points are and create new weak points. If you can do it right you can trigger a chain reaction that will allow you to take a dominant position.

Grant Blackburn
SamUser is Offline


08 Dec 2007 3:17 PM  

Looks like you're on Conquer Club. If you're on freemium(not premium), quit the game and start a new one.

2ยข is my son so we have the same email. Sorry for any confusion.
EuropaUser is Offline


14 Dec 2007 3:38 PM  
So you are saying this only happened because of a glitch or substandard programming? I certainly wondered if a game could degenerate to this point. For me, I would have lost it at some point and just pulled the trigger somewhere before it got to crazy.

As it is, this looks a lot like a Cold War Arms race. I like the fact that the situation is basically stable and any shift from the stable strategy yields a devastating result for all.

Grant Blackburn
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Forums > RISK > Risk Game Strategies > new scenario