I just thought of it... the Iraqi War...
US - Green
Europe - Blue - They are not a player
Iraqi terrorists - Brown/Tan
Special Rules:
This game is for two players
Europe is allied with the US troops in which they will gain reinforcements to the US sides choice. The US player is allowed to move through US spaces like they are one of their own units, but cannot attack European units or have europe attack the Terrorists.Even though Europe is not a player, they are still fun as an ally. The terrorists gain 2 reinforcements each turn, but they only gain one reinforcement if they have 1/3 of their territories. Europe and the US only get one.
Noone can control or move into a red team space
Every 3 turns any two people in the original territories that were occupied by the Terrorists automatically die. (Bombings) If the territory is empty, its up for grabs.
When The Terrorists are dead, the US wins. When US is dead, The player gains Control of Europe and gains 1 reinforcement per turn.
If Europe is dead, -_- US cannot control it.
I made this up myself. heres the map:
I hope you Enjoy! =D