Subject: Blitzes
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Imported PostUser is Offline


16 Mar 2007 3:35 AM  
SOmething i have found invaluable in gaining the small and medium

continents, and winning with only one opponent left are blitzes. How are

they useful toward the end of game? It's all about brute then, find a line

of weak countries and try to break your enemies border, spill into the

inside and devouer all his small armied countries without regard to how you

are spreading yourself too thin. This ensures he has less armies to strike

back with next turn. It may be annoying when he gets a good hunk of of you

too with this strategy, but each turn you will end up getting the bigger

bite. BLitzes only work when you strike first and can find a chain of

poorly defended internal territories.

Imported PostUser is Offline


16 Mar 2007 3:35 AM  
only problem is eventualy from killing you time after time he will have enough cards to get enough troops to eventualy purge you out of his territories.

cyray7User is Offline


03 Jun 2007 8:46 PM  
I agree with unsunghero10. Also, with small countries, how do except to amass enough troops to do this? In addition, if he really does have that much territory, wouldn't he have killed you already? This strategy seems quite risky to me, and I prefer to win through a slower, safer method. Just my opinion, but i guess that this could work in a few situtations.
Napoleon's BuddyUser is Offline


06 Jun 2007 8:42 PM  

Been following Julius Caesar's lead, havn't you? Fortune won't always be on your side, you know.

There is a middle ground you know. You can go for a series of short blitzes to avoid over expanding yourself, but you can still take control of territories in bursts. Make sure you have adequete armies to defend your new found territories should your opponent counter attack with similar tactics. Told from experience, there is no measure of time that will describe how fast you will die should you overexpand yourself. It's akin to digging your own grave.

cyray7User is Offline


09 Jun 2007 5:36 PM  
i guess...but, just in my opinion, i see part of the blitzing strategy as overextending your borders, and risking vulnerability. Otherwise, it is really just expanding.
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