Imported Post
 King Posts:232
16 Mar 2007 3:18 AM |
What would be some good strategies if you were playing with 3 others and
yourself and you conquer australia fist? what would come next?
Joe |
Imported Post
 King Posts:232
16 Mar 2007 3:19 AM |
i would try to plow through aisia and try to get to africa.
nikola |
Imported Post
 King Posts:232
16 Mar 2007 3:19 AM |
I'd actually go to Kamchatca and to North America.
asdf |
Imported Post
 King Posts:232
16 Mar 2007 3:19 AM |
I good thing to do is big your armie big in Indonesia and if asia is weak attack the borders of it go to siam then India and then to middle east and start attacking africa then end your turn and move half the men from africa back to siam or put some in middle east aswell as siam and even India if u want but don't spead yourself out to much.
Imported Post
 King Posts:232
16 Mar 2007 3:20 AM |
I would wait. Wait for the other players to attack each other, then build up armies in siam[to prevent anyone from taking asia]. Take about a country a turn[for risk cards,which will be real easy]when the world is exausted by war and you have enough men,take all remaining countrys in asia and solidify your power.
Funk Masta Dunk |
Imported Post
 King Posts:232
16 Mar 2007 3:20 AM |
I agree with the people who said fight to africa but you don't have to protect the countries in between becausethat is a waste of armies. Then after you have africa and australia then you should easily be able to take south america and then go north.
llama54 |
 Diplomat Posts:121
03 Jun 2007 9:01 PM |
Asia shouldn't be too hard, because there are only three of you. Most of the time people believe that asia is too big, and too hard to control. You have an easy route to it, and you can expand at whatever rate is comfortable. |
beastly penis
 Strategist Posts:21
09 Jun 2007 6:39 PM |
getting australia isnt usually good because if your allies are smart they can box u in in siam, china and india, so while ur stuck in austrilia, not getting cards, theyre getting big continents, so i would start with north america: 3 borders, 5 guys, and you can get south america for same amount of borders, plus you can make treaties in europ or africa or asia. |
 Diplomat Posts:121
09 Jun 2007 6:42 PM |
well, they can't really box you in, in a three person game, as you will start out with 1/3 of the map (australia+asia combined), so they would have to be lucky, and work too hard to box you in, making themselves too vulnerable. |