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 King Posts:232
16 Mar 2007 2:50 AM |
My stronghold, Australia is bulked with 89 armies on the land nearest asia. Now, My allience in asia has it compltely controlled, but with only 1 army on each. Africa is weak, controlling all but the land connecting to asia, which is controlled by Europe. Europe is a strong power that wants to take me out along with N. America (also weak). The idea that i have to survive is to expand along the south of asia and start the battle there, beeing that that is where my enemy is the strongest. Have my friend weaken N.America, seeing as he is going to attack me from alaska, basically diminishing him, then bringing the rest of my troops along the eastern shores of asia killing him. Should i Block aganist asia or plow through? Consitering that Europe is strong, but not as strong as me?... I dont know if you can understand what i said please comment on it i know its all basically jibberish but... thanks
PeeveS |
Ehsan Honary
Site Admin
 King Posts:268

16 Mar 2007 3:02 AM |
You have 89 armies!!!! Now that is one hell of a lot of army. How much do the others have. If not as much, then what are you waiting for, the game is yours anyway, whatever you do. Get Africa, break europe and rub them from bonus and you can still probably get asia in one go with your armies and still have something to spare.
If they have as much comparatively (which would be very shocking, sounds like cold war to me!) then you have a different problem. I guess it depends how they react in the diplomatic scene. Are you playing against two others only? who owns N. America and S. America. Who is in Africa. who has cards. alliances?
please describe the game a bit more... |
Ehsan Honary
 Diplomat Posts:121
03 Jun 2007 9:25 PM |
89! convince other players to hit Europe, while you expand through Asia. After that is done, you've won. Simple, effective. the hardest part will be convincing people to attack Europe, especially because it seems like you are playing online (right?). I wouldn't go for Africa, too many borders. However, it seems easy to make Europe look like a superpower. So work on that, and go for Asia because it is so weak. Then once you have Asia, no one can stop you. |
Napoleon's Buddy
 Strategist Posts:10
06 Jun 2007 8:36 PM |
If you want to be really mean, you could let Europe wear himself out fighting other people, letting him come to you. Once he's done that, you can flatten him with even less chance of failure, and you can go on a quick attack through most of his territory (be careful not to overexpand though, this whole thing will backfire if you do). Then carry on as if a normal game. |
 Diplomat Posts:121
09 Jun 2007 5:37 PM |
yea, except it appears that this person doesnt have time to waste, just an opinion. I may try and expand also, and not blitz all the way out, just dont waste your armies because you are the most powerful force in the game. |
beastly penis
 Strategist Posts:21
09 Jun 2007 6:02 PM |
yo if you have to run from asia then go. u need cards and you wont get any if you dont atack. |
 Diplomat Posts:121
09 Jun 2007 6:04 PM |
yea, you can go on the northeastern border and escape into north america, a good continent that is easy to defend from Europe. Forget Australia and relocate, preferably not to Europe (it is too strong right now) or Africa (too many borders). Take North America in one turn, and if you can go for South America. Npiterman's strategy is very intelligent, and i can see it working well. |
 Diplomat Posts:170
20 Dec 2007 3:49 PM |
How the hell did this guy get 89 in Australia? Man, I would just pound away until I eliminated players and got their cards and kept going. It is difficult to tell exactly what is going on since we don't have the exact numbers of the troops on the ground in the other territories.
But I do like the idea of letting the other wear themsleves out and make them come to you, but this sounds like turtling and people don't generally like that. How do you just sit there, slowly grow with out losing your reputation in the process? I mean, most people I play with would look at the game once it gets down to a 1 vs. 1 and just quit, or even quit before that given the power that Australia has built up. I know you shouldn't waste your armies, but just holing up and wiating until the end does not help you in future games.
How do I get the others to fight each other when I am obviously the one they need to fight and is the biggest threat in the game? |
Grant Blackburn |