Proverbial n00b Post: New to the site, posting... etc. Recently, after many days, I completed my variation of Zombie RISK called RISK, Damn Zombies.
I included charts to aid in Random Territory Selection (RTS) since not all versions of RISK have cards with territories printed on them.
I came across Total Diplomacy while researching other variations and was impressed with the fresh posts and focus on tweaking and refining the basic rules.
Damn Zombies may not be for everyone since I maintained the randomness of dice, utilized common components and mirrored the format, and simplicity of the basic rules booklet. When printed the rules look like the official booklets.
I spent numerous hours playtesting, receiving feedback and refining the rules to try and incorporate all versions (yes, even Castle RISK) of RISK.
Here is the link for my rules and RTS chart at
Here is a little fun I had creating an additional scenario.
I look forward to any feedback, as I am currently finishing RISK: Damn Aliens, Damn Terrorists and a Modern Warfare reboot.
Again these rules are in the spirit of LOTR, Star Wars, or Transformers RISK, in fact to facilitate a phantom 6th player, I increased randomness to some degree. That aside I still take pride in the completed work.
Thanks, |