== Introduction ==
Recently,I played a game at Final Conquest Website.In that game,I developed my force at Europe,then expanded my force to NA,started to growing so strong.Finally,I defeated all the rival and gained the victory.I want to share this game with you.(This game was fog-mode,so I can only saw my provinces and the neighbour one in the game)
1. The initial setback

I'm the yellow one.My 10+ troops marched to SA and easily annhilated the brown troops(computer) there.But after I captured SA,the blue player(who is a newble and the foolish player) suddenly assaulted SA and destroy my troops of SA.Sure,I was so upset after that(even shouted that allied with red to against blue,but actually it never happen).I controlled my 7 small troops to developed at Europe,the garrison of grey(the player is called victorian) and brown(com) suddenly disappeared from Europe soon.So I easily captured the whole Europe.
2. Stabilized Europe

After I captured Europe,I'm able to build up the powerful force(That's why my victory come from Europe^^).As the map shown above,I sent my troops to Greenland,planning to scout NA.Abruptly,the hated blue attacked me again and pushed to Iceland(Seems like he was ignoring the powerful red's threat and the border gap).Evenly,he raised the army there to 17.I prepared to use 22 troops to counter-attack and drived him out of Europe.However,he suddenly left the game and left the power vacuum at NA and SA(Non-com replace mode).Therefore,I could march to NA freely,but red's threat became more dangerous.....
3.The unification of NA

Now blue force disappeared,I focused on expanding to NA.The red suddenly demonstrated 68 troops at North Africa,I'm so scared by this and thought that I'm doomed.But luckily he told me that he don't attack me except I invade his land(maybe little due to sympathize that I was invaded by blue^^)After garrisoned enough troops to defend Greenland,I sent troops to controlled Central America(Which the red player didn't occupy it),and garrisoned 23 troops there.Victorian(Grey) who occupied Austraslia and Eastern Asia counter this to fortified Alaska. Now the red seems like alert my strength and shouted,'Wo,you captured Europe and NA!'I lied to him,'Not really,the grey heavily fortified Alaska.'(Actually,grey only garrison it with 12 troops)I launched 8 troops to weaken that troops first,then easily ousted the grey troops from NA,occupied Alaska and marched to Kamchatka.'Now I completely conquered Europe and NA.The road of victory seemed like open to me now.