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16 Mar 2007 9:08 AM  

I seem to need a bit of help tweeking me risk strategie, first let me tell you why.I've been playing risk as long as I can remember and im proud to say that I am good player but who I play with is posing risk players are: me, my cousin bryon, my cousin brandon, who are both medium players my cousin savanna who is a poor player, and my uncle who is a very good and very experenced player.
now to the problem they all gang up on me, And I don't mean they attack me more then anyone else I mean they don't attack each other untill they are sure I am out of the picture and Im still one of the last three players left before I am beat because I regain from only having astraila so Im wondering if anyone can help me out give me some ideas?

Blood Ravin 9

Imported PostUser is Offline


16 Mar 2007 9:09 AM  
Try making aliances with certian people
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16 Mar 2007 9:10 AM  
There's a few different things you can try.

I would assume you've won spectacularly in the past, which led to this situation. One idea is to lose equally spectacularly, once. Lose very bad - so bad that it will stick in everyone's memory. Then start playing 'better' the next time, after you've removed the reputation stain of 'always wins unless we gang up and destroy him'.

This appears to be a case of you vs your uncle, with the others acting as bit players. Target him first and foremost; if you can weigh him down with a head-on struggle, the others may realize they have the freedom to do whatever without his guidance.

If he's still persuading them (which it sounds like he's proactively doing), you have to out-diplomacy him. Play some games without your uncle where you prove yourself an erstwhile ally to one or more of the other players (as in, you and that ally make it to the final two and then duke it out). Prove you can be loyal to players loyal to you. Then re-enter the 'uncle battlefield', armed with a stronger ability to sway opinion more in your favour.

If you've been beaten several times now, you can also point out that your uncle is now 'the one to beat', which I presume he has become.

Blame your wins entirley on having taken a particular position (falsely I presume, since it sounds like you're a strong, versatile player), and say it's only because of that (e.g. I only win because I start in Australia). Then avoid taking that position in all of your following games and let someone else make themselves the target ("look he/she's got Australia, now he/she is the threat").

The most desperate strategy is to target one particular opponent in this gang attacking you and take that person down with you. Do it again the next game, and the next. Always ensure that every time this gang-up happens, that person goes out before you even if it's at your own expense. Eventually, you can say to that person "remember last time, and the time before that? Maybe you want to reconsider." Your uncle would be ideal, but probably hardest - so make it whoever you believe will be the least stubborn in getting the point. Combine this with the idea above of swaying an ally to your side (not the same person, obviously).
Imported PostUser is Offline


16 Mar 2007 9:11 AM  

First i would like to comment on winning ever well so i've never won before except once when i held out untill the end and took the rest over slowly and it took about one hour not really all that awsome but I tried most of your ideas and they did improve my life expectancy by a lot but i am still unable to win but i played without my uncle a ferw times and won all of them so every one else has baked down a little then i tried the "take him down with me" tactic and he lost every time but when i said "remember what happened last time" but he just smiled and took his turn as usual and lost oddly the one time i won while trying your tactics everyone left seemed to play fair and when he wasn't playing and after the one time I took him out I could use which ever one I wanted like a puppet they would take every action i told them to so all i need is to knock out my uncle and i can win. as for the "one to beat" tactic it does not do anything its like two plugs one outlet if he's plugged in a can't do anything unless either he's not there or i can wresle control from him by getting rid of him i'm not sure how to go about beating him on getting everyone to follow me

Blood Ravin 9

cyray7User is Offline


03 Jun 2007 6:10 PM  
Could you give us a little insight about your uncle's strategy? Try taking advantage of it, using hit against him if possible. He won't know what to do, then that is when you can strike. Remember, if all else fails, read up on propaganda and treaties. There are some excellent articles on this website, as well as on google. I hope that helped.
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