Imported Post
 King Posts:232
29 Apr 2007 7:22 AM |
I acquired Risk sometime ago and have already played several games with some friends. But we have had a few issues about some things, some have been resolved while others have not. Its the 2003 version I am using. One of the problems has to do with Mission Risk. There are several cards that say either "Conquer 1 territory on 3 continents" or "Conquer 1 territory on 5 continents" for example. Now last time I looked there are no rainbow colored territories, so the way I understand it is that I need to conquer a territory with a sea-line or bordering 3 continents, not actually conquer 1 territory on 3 different continents. So what does the card actually mean?
B1ackAnvil |
Ehsan Honary
Site Admin
 King Posts:268

29 Apr 2007 7:50 AM |
I don't have access to this 2003 version, but from your comments, my impression is that you need to get a territory form each continent. That makes more sense than other interpretations. Of course owning the territory cant be the mission since you may just put 1 army in the initial stage of the game and win before even the attack phase starts.
I guess its true meaning is that, "If you conquer a territory from another player from three different continents, while holding them simultaneously, you win" I guess this makes more sense. Of course other players may have a different view. |
Ehsan Honary
Imported Post
 King Posts:232
30 Apr 2007 2:25 AM |
Speaking with a friend about this same issue, what came up was basically the same thing as you are saying, conquer 1 territory for 3 different continents. So thats 2 backing up the same issue, and I was tending to lean more towards that explanation so its the one we will probably use. Anyhow, thanks for your help, and I will be sure to post up anymore issues that may come up or post our 6 man game experiences.
B1ackAnvil |
Ehsan Honary
Site Admin
 King Posts:268

30 Apr 2007 2:33 AM |
Glad that I could help. Sure, post your experience, and we can learn something new.
Have fun playing |
Ehsan Honary
 Diplomat Posts:121
26 May 2007 10:54 PM |
seems prety self-explanitory...take a territory in asia, africa, australia, south america, and north america, probably have them all at the same time. |