Subject: Territory Grab 2
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EuropaUser is Offline


17 Dec 2007 1:23 PM  

Here is the second map for the initial placement of armies at the beginning of the game.  Where would you place yor next army and why?  What is your overall outlook on the game at his point?

Total Diplomacy Risk Map: Opening-territory-grab-2
Risk Map: Opening-territory-grab-2 --- Open Copy in Risk Map Editor


Grant Blackburn
Ehsan HonaryUser is Offline

Site Admin

17 Dec 2007 3:09 PM  

Total Diplomacy Risk Map: Opening-territory-grab-2-res-1
Risk Map: Opening-territory-grab-2-res-1 --- Open Copy in Risk Map Editor

This time playing as Yellow, I see there is no point for going into a conflict with another player so early in the game, so I give up instantly and go for Europe, which I think it's better anyway. Brown will be glad that I have given up which is a good thing since it plays into my hands.

I place on borders of continents so that if other players wanted to get a territory in my continent at least they wont be able to get a valuable one.

Ehsan Honary
EuropaUser is Offline


17 Dec 2007 4:15 PM  

Total Diplomacy Risk Map: Opening-territory-grab-2-res-1a
Risk Map: Opening-territory-grab-2-res-1a --- Open Copy in Risk Map Editor

Okay, so if I were playing Green I would add to Australia in my next move. 

Grant Blackburn
Dan12User is Offline


18 Dec 2007 12:51 AM  

Total Diplomacy Risk Map: Opening-territory-grab-2-res-2
Risk Map: Opening-territory-grab-2-res-2 --- Open Copy in Risk Map Editor

I will go for Africa and I place in Middle East because I dont want to lose it.

EuropaUser is Offline


18 Dec 2007 11:29 AM  

Alright, so far so good, We have Yellow going first, then Green, Black, Brown and finally Red. Pick any color that happens to be next in the turn order and place an army on the map! 

Grant Blackburn
EuropaUser is Offline


19 Dec 2007 8:22 PM  

Total Diplomacy Risk Map: Opening-territory-grab-2-res-2
Risk Map: Opening-territory-grab-2-res-2 --- Open Copy in Risk Map Editor

Okay, I'll go next.  If I were Brown, I might place next in Peru.  I thought about possibly going else where, but since no one else went there, I'll give it a shot and see what Red and Yellow does in response. 

Anyone can respond to any of these positions.  Just keep the turn order the same, but pick what ever color has come up, you don't need to pick the same color for each move here.  We are just trying to learn from different initial placement scenarios and see what works and what doesn't. 

Just click on hte link beneath the map to edit the map in the editor, be sure you unclick the box that says " Display countries with zero armies" to keep the map clean and just input the army and the correct color where you want it to go.  When you type in your response below the map, leave the "Open Copy in Risk Map Editor" link below the map intact and type after it what you want to say to indicate what you have done and why.  Thanks a lot and enjoy. 

What will Red do? 

Grant Blackburn
Dan12User is Offline


20 Dec 2007 6:35 AM  

Total Diplomacy Risk Map: Opening-territory-grab-2-res-3
Risk Map: Opening-territory-grab-2-res-3 --- Open Copy in Risk Map Editor

Ok, I will go ahead with Red in NA trying to create a cluster.

I am starting to like these Risk map exercises. It's cool

EuropaUser is Offline


20 Dec 2007 3:32 PM  
Thank you I think these exercises can serve as a great place to discuss and analyze your moves before you do them in a real game. In the game above I want to take the next move, but I would like to wait and see what someone esle might do. If it were me and I was playing as Yellow, I would place in Greenland or Great Britain. What would you do if you were Yellow?

Grant Blackburn
Ehsan HonaryUser is Offline

Site Admin

21 Dec 2007 4:55 AM  
Grant you read my mind! If I were Yellow I may go for Greenland too. I may also go for Western or Eastern Europe.

Ehsan Honary
EuropaUser is Offline


21 Dec 2007 5:55 PM  
Would anyone like to actually place the army on the map and take the turn or shall I just post it?

Grant Blackburn
Ehsan HonaryUser is Offline

Site Admin

22 Dec 2007 1:35 AM  

Total Diplomacy Risk Map: Opening-territory-grab-2-res-4
Risk Map: Opening-territory-grab-2-res-4 --- Open Copy in Risk Map Editor

Ok, here is Yellow's move according to above descriptions.

Ehsan Honary
SamUser is Offline


23 Dec 2007 9:22 PM  
Green: Between New guinea and W&E australia. Because W australia is like the same as New Guinea, its between the latter 2 territories. I can seal the inside(Eastern Australia) or keep a cluster of connectivity(new guinea)

2ยข is my son so we have the same email. Sorry for any confusion.
Dan12User is Offline


29 Dec 2007 6:50 AM  

Total Diplomacy Risk Map: Opening-territory-grab-2-res-5
Risk Map: Opening-territory-grab-2-res-5 --- Open Copy in Risk Map Editor

I put Green's move in. If I am Black I like to place in Egypt because it completes my borders and I can now focus on inner continent.

EuropaUser is Offline


30 Dec 2007 3:19 PM  

Total Diplomacy Risk Map: Opening-territory-grab-2-res-5
Risk Map: Opening-territory-grab-2-res-5 --- Open Copy in Risk Map Editor

As Brown going next, I will place in Argentina and fill in South America.  It seems like a smart move at this point so I won't have a cancer growing from the inside.  I will look outward from now on.  Red's move next.   

Grant Blackburn
Ehsan HonaryUser is Offline

Site Admin

31 Dec 2007 3:50 AM  

Total Diplomacy Risk Map: Opening-territory-grab-2-res-6
Risk Map: Opening-territory-grab-2-res-6 --- Open Copy in Risk Map Editor

Playing as Red, I will resume my expansion in North America making sure the borders are mine. At this point I am more worried to get my own continent than disrupting other players plans.

Ehsan Honary
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Forums > RISK > Risk Game Strategies > Territory Grab 2